Integrasi Bioenergi dalam Desain Taman Kota
Bioenergy is a renewable energy source that can be renewed naturally and has a good environmental impact on air quality in urban environments. Urban parks have the potential to integrate bioenergy into an urban context. Design environmentally friendly city parks to be able to produce bioenergy, so that public spaces can double as both open recreation spaces and sources of green energy. The air condition in Lhokseumawe City experiences CO2 pollution and high air temperatures. The aim is to implement bioenergy in gardens through application to plants and trees. Climate change is characterized by extreme rainfall and temperatures. Apart from that, the depletion of the ozone layer is the impact of global warming which is indicated by high air temperatures a global issue. In essence, climate change occurs in all cities. Apart from that, rapid urban development is the influence of the activity and density of the city center which triggers an increase in global warnings and has an impact on thermal comfort. good air quality and thermal conditions in outdoor spaces in urban areas are difficult to find. The presence of public space plays a role as a green open space and a source of green energy and renewable energy and can increase absorption areas. However, the existence of environmentally friendly green open spaces that are capable of reducing global warming cannot be integrated with bioenergy, which is still less familiar and not yet optimal for application, so it is the basic fundamental phenomenon in this research. This research aims to identify thermal quality (CO2, temperature, and wind speed); identify softcape elements, namely plants in RTH, and contribute through integration with the bioenergy approach in RTH as a solution to reduce global warming, especially CO2. This type of research is descriptive using a quantitative approach. The research results show that CO2 levels have exceeded the threshold, resulting in air pollution with high air temperatures. This condition has a very negative impact on the survival of an urban environmental climate. The presence of plant elements as softcap elements has yet to be fulfilled, so certain plants are needed as a solution in producing bioenergy applications.
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- Abstract 305
Copyright (c) 2024 Yenny Novianti, Sisca Olivia, Erna Muliana

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