MARKA (Media Arsitektur dan Kota) : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian is a scientific publication for the topic of study and criticism in the Architecture and Urban Design (p-ISSN: 2580-8745, e-ISSN: 2685-4201,DOI: 10.33510/marka) in Bahasa Indonesia and English. MArKa is published since August 2017 in print version by the Architecture Study Program Universitas Matana and the online version of the Volume 1 (No. 1 and 2) is available in the Universitas Matana's Repository. The electronic version using OJS is published since 2018 after the e-ISSN issued. This Journal is published twice a year in July and January (shifting from August and February since July 2022). The Journal Template is also renewed since July 2022.

Types of papers that meet our journal publication criteria:

1. Original Research Paper.
2. Scientific Literature Review (Narrative, Systematic, or Bibliometric: formulating hypothesis or finding research gap or finding state of the art or a critical account of what has been published on a topic by accredited researchers).
3. Conceptual Design Research (with real issue and scientific analysis).
4. Community Service Report (with real issue and scientific analysis).


Current Issue

Vol 7 No 2 (2024): January



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