Identifikasi Penerapan Desain Universal pada M Bloc Space di Jakarta
The revitalization of the Perum Peruri area in Jakarta has changed its image from a relatively closed industrial area completed with its own employee residence into an open creative space designated especially for the millennials. The adaptive-reuse concept was used to prioritize the preservation and conservation of a state-owned heritage asset. The objective of this study is to identify the implementation of universal design guidelines by means of matching the outcome of the revitalization towards the government of the Republic of Indonesia regulation inscribed in Permen PUPR no. 14/PRT/M/2017. This study employs two approaches, a qualitative approach which descriptively matches the revitalization of M Bloc Space towards the regulation mentioned and a quantitative approach by means of distributing questionnaires to gain insights into the users’ perception of the implementation of universal design principles at M Bloc Space. The study shows that there are limitations to universal design implementation due to the design restriction as regulated in the heritage building regulation. It is important to stress that this study does not emphasize on the heritage part of the M Bloc Space development, rather its adaptation toward the needs of many of its users.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Astrid Hapsari Rahardjo, Andi Nasri Hamzah, Annas Maulid

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