Kajian Persepsi Makna Sakral Arsitektur Tradisional Jawa Secara Virtual Bagi Mahasiswa Arsitektur
Virtual Reality (VR) technology can provide a spatial experience that almost resembles real conditions. Through VR, it is hoped that it can also present sacred meanings/perceptions that are usually strongly felt when entering certain buildings. This research conducted VR simulations on three types of traditional Javanese buildings, to identify respondents' perceptions of the sacred by entering a virtual space experience. This research uses quantitative methods with a descriptive approach and is supported by qualitative methods in selecting parameters. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire with a list of questions asked to respondents online via Google Form while accessing the 360 virtual tour. The research results show that respondents can feel and rank the level of sacredness of Javanese architecture. The strongest sense of the sacred is conveyed through the scale of the building, including the area and height of the building, the weight of materials, loudness of sound and lighting. The most dominant descriptor felt by respondents was material weight. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that sacredness is more pronounced from descriptors related to spatial scale than related to function. Through this research, it is hoped that VR technology can be enriched so that it can optimally present architectural works that have various implied meanings.
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- Abstract 217
Copyright (c) 2024 Aurelia Agraputri, Chriscentia Valerie Phoebe, Joy Gracella Victory, Evelyn Tania, Antonius Ivan Nugroho Santosa, Rully Damayanti

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