MARKA (Media Arsitektur dan Kota) : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian <p><strong>MARKA (Media Arsitektur dan Kota) : Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian</strong> is a scientific publication for the topic of study and criticism in the Architecture and Urban Design (p-ISSN: 2580-8745, e-ISSN:&nbsp;2685-4201,DOI: <a href="">10.33510/marka</a>) in <em><strong>Bahasa Indonesia</strong></em> and <em><strong>English</strong></em>. MArKa is published since August 2017 in print version by the Architecture Study Program Universitas Matana and the online version of the Volume 1 (No. 1 and 2) is available in the <a href="">Universitas Matana's Repository</a>. The electronic version using OJS is published since 2018 after the e-ISSN issued. This Journal is published twice a year in&nbsp;<strong>July</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>January</strong>&nbsp;(shifting from August and February since July 2022). The Journal Template is also renewed since July 2022.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US [email protected] (Unknown) [email protected] (Admin OJS) Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 SE Asia Standard Time OJS 60 Cover dan Daftar Isi <p>Cover and Table of Contents</p> Muhammar Khamdevi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 08:03:20 SE Asia Standard Time Kajian Penggunaan Material Beton Ekspos pada Gedung Panjang Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta <p><em>TTaman Ismail Marzuki is an arts and culture center in Jakarta that is rich in historical value. After being revitalized, Taman Ismail Marzuki appears with a torn and modern aesthetic. Gedung Panjang is one of the buildings in Ismail Marzuki Park, which looks iconic with a piano-like appearance and looks like steps from a distance. The dominant use of exposed concrete material is used in long buildings to give the impression of a natural building and make it appear as it is. On the other hand, there is an assumption that exposed concrete is a monotonous material, dark in color, and prone to weather damage. This research aims to identify the use of exposed concrete to be able to provide a different perspective in answering the pros and cons of using exposed concrete and provide an overview of the sense of place in the building. case study research is applied using qualitative methods by identifying the long building and other architectural works of Andra Matin as a comparison. Data collection is done by literature study from relevant articles as well as visual observation through field visits and utilizing YouTube media. The results showed that the Long Building, which has the concept of openness and honesty of materials, maximizes the use of exposed concrete materials with large repetitive concrete columns and beams with high ceilings so as to give a dramatic effect to the building. The application of exposed concrete materials combined with other elements in the building gives the impression of a varied building atmosphere but remains in harmony with the monochromatic color game. Disadvantages of exposed concrete that must be anticipated such as the monotonous color of the space because it is dominated by dark colors, moisture on the concrete surface and large maintenance costs if any damage arises.</em></p> Widi Dwi Satria, Novita Hillary Christy Damanik, Ahmad Zaldian Marda, Ardiansyah Juniarto, Zulfikar Ahmad Fauzi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:43:41 SE Asia Standard Time Kajian Persepsi Makna Sakral Arsitektur Tradisional Jawa Secara Virtual Bagi Mahasiswa Arsitektur <p><em>Virtual Reality (VR) technology can provide a spatial experience that almost resembles real conditions. Through VR, it is hoped that it can also present sacred meanings/perceptions that are usually strongly felt when entering certain buildings. This research conducted VR simulations on three types of traditional Javanese buildings, to identify respondents' perceptions of the sacred by entering a virtual space experience. This research uses quantitative methods with a descriptive approach and is supported by qualitative methods in selecting parameters. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire with a list of questions asked to respondents online via Google Form while accessing the 360 virtual tour. The research results show that respondents can feel and rank the level of sacredness of Javanese architecture. The strongest sense of the sacred is conveyed through the scale of the building, including the area and height of the building, the weight of materials, loudness of sound and lighting. The most dominant descriptor felt by respondents was material weight. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that sacredness is more pronounced from descriptors related to spatial scale than related to function. Through this research, it is hoped that VR technology can be enriched so that it can optimally present architectural works that have various implied meanings.</em></p> Aurelia Agraputri, Chriscentia Valerie Phoebe, Joy Gracella Victory, Evelyn Tania, Antonius Ivan Nugroho Santosa, Rully Damayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:45:36 SE Asia Standard Time Pengembangan Kawasan Berkarakter Urban Crack melalui Desain Pasar Tematik Berbasis Material Daur Ulang Kain di Ciakar, Tangerang <p><em>Ciakar Village, located in Panongan sub-district, Tangerang Regency, Banten, experienced significant physical spatial development, namely land use change from agriculture to settlements. The phenomenon of urban crack emerged as a result of this development. Urban crack refers to a narrow area hidden behind a prosperous and once thriving area that no longer has energy and is intrinsically characterized by emptiness. Urban crack in Ciakar village is triggered by the gated community system in the housing clusters that flank the site, resulting in street space that tends to be unmanaged and neglected which is then utilized wildly for plantations, kiosks, garbage disposal areas because there is no control and supervision.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;The Ciakar village government plans to activate and revitalize this area by injecting a thematic market function that is expected to improve the quality of urban space as well as become an economic space for informal communities in improving their standard of living. The concept of a thematic market that combines culinary areas, shopping tours, educational tours, community activities by promoting local wisdom in the form of a park that can be built at an affordable cost. PKM UPH team contributed to propose the design of this thematic market. &nbsp;In the design process, there are two scales of design. Micro-scale design produces affordable building materials by utilizing fabric-based recycled materials with experimental methods to produce prototypes. The macro-scale design produces architectural design ideas for the thematic market by considering the existing context. In this study, the team used qualitative research methods. Data were collected from activities: field observations and Forum Group Discussions (FGDs) involving Ciakar Village government officials and community members. The design method used was a participatory design approach.</em></p> Emanuel Agung Wicaksono, Fernisia Richtia Winnerdy, Angeline Sie Prayangga ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:47:01 SE Asia Standard Time Identifikasi Penerapan Desain Universal pada M Bloc Space di Jakarta <p><em>The revitalization of the Perum Peruri area in Jakarta has changed its image from a relatively closed industrial area completed with its own employee residence into an open creative space designated especially for the millennials. The adaptive-reuse concept was used to prioritize the preservation and conservation of a state-owned heritage asset. The objective of this study is to identify the implementation of universal design guidelines by means of matching the outcome of the revitalization towards the government of the Republic of Indonesia regulation inscribed in Permen PUPR no. 14/PRT/M/2017. This study employs two approaches, a qualitative approach which descriptively matches the revitalization of M Bloc Space towards the regulation mentioned and a quantitative approach by means of distributing questionnaires to gain insights into the users’ perception of the implementation of universal design principles at M Bloc Space. The study shows that there are limitations to universal design implementation due to the design restriction as regulated in the heritage building regulation. It is important to stress that this study does not emphasize on the heritage part of the M Bloc Space development, rather its adaptation toward the needs of many of its users.</em></p> Astrid Hapsari Rahardjo, Andi Nasri Hamzah, Annas Maulid ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:49:12 SE Asia Standard Time Characteristics of Building Envelope that Influence the Value of Operative Temperature on Office Buildings Based on Jakarta Climate Data <p><em>Architecture is accused of being an energy user and the most significant contributor to global warming, so it is the architect's responsibility to ensure that indoor comfort conditions are achieved with little or no traditional energy. This study focuses on knowing the best Range in building envelope configurations to obtain Operative Temperature comfort values. Simulation methods is used for model this research. Software that b used for this research are EnergyPlus v8.1 and Open Studio plugin version 0.7. The results show that the temperature of operative temperature (Top) does not reach a comfort value of 25 ° C by SNI 03-6572-2001 standards. If the air temperature setting is smaller, the energy consumption of the building will be higher. In the WWR variation, intensity of energy consumption per Ta was reduced by 1 ° C by 3.68 kWh / m2. Then in the variation of SHGC, increase energy consumption value of each Ta is reduced by 1 ° C by 3.44 kWh / m2. While for shading variations, the increase in value is 3.57 kWh / m2.</em></p> Nurina Vidya Ayuningtyas, Istiana Adianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:50:37 SE Asia Standard Time Integrasi Bioenergi dalam Desain Taman Kota <p><em>Bioenergy is a renewable energy source that can be renewed naturally and has a good environmental impact on air quality in urban environments. Urban parks have the potential to integrate bioenergy into an urban context. Design environmentally friendly city parks to be able to produce bioenergy, so that public spaces can double as both open recreation spaces and sources of green energy. The air condition in Lhokseumawe City experiences CO2 pollution and high air temperatures. The aim is to implement bioenergy in gardens through application to plants and trees. Climate change is characterized by extreme rainfall and temperatures. Apart from that, the depletion of the ozone layer is the impact of global warming which is indicated by high air temperatures a global issue. In essence, climate change occurs in all cities. Apart from that, rapid urban development is the influence of the activity and density of the city center which triggers an increase in global warnings and has an impact on thermal comfort. good air quality and thermal conditions in outdoor spaces in urban areas are difficult to find. The presence of public space plays a role as a green open space and a source of green energy and renewable energy and can increase absorption areas. However, the existence of environmentally friendly green open spaces that are capable of reducing global warming cannot be integrated with bioenergy, which is still less familiar and not yet optimal for application, so it is the basic fundamental phenomenon in this research. This research aims to identify thermal quality (CO2, temperature, and wind speed); identify softcape elements, namely plants in RTH, and contribute through integration with the bioenergy approach in RTH as a solution to reduce global warming, especially CO2. This type of research is descriptive using a quantitative approach. The research results show that CO2 levels have exceeded the threshold, resulting in air pollution with high air temperatures. This condition has a very negative impact on the survival of an urban environmental climate. The presence of plant elements as softcap elements has yet to be fulfilled, so certain plants are needed as a solution in producing bioenergy applications.</em></p> Yenny Novianti, Sisca Olivia, Erna Muliana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:51:56 SE Asia Standard Time Efisiensi Energi Berkelanjutan: Strategi Desain dan Perhitungan Optimalisasi Efisiensi Energi pada Selubung Bangunan <p><em>Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the Earth's surface over the last few decades. Building energy consumption is the number two contributor to global warming. About 5-13% of the energy consumed during construction and the remaining 87-95% occur during the lifetime of a building, mainly for heating, cooling, and lighting purposes. This requires the selection of building materials that are certified green or environmentally friendly to help reduce energy consumption. The aim of this study is to evaluate the energy efficiency of a variety of designs of the building cover best in the glass protector as a building wall material. The research method uses comparative research that involves comparing energy efficiency between 4 different designs and materials with the calculation of OTTV on the facade of the building. Overal Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) is a design parameter used to measure the level of energy efficiency of a building in reducing the heat from sunlight entering through walls and roofs. The results of the study showed massive walls with a 0.8 m high parapet and 1.2 m sharpening (Aluminum 4 mm with semi-flash white paint + 30 mm airspace + 150 mm precast concrete), along with window walls using the Stopray Vision 52 T (8 mm (#2) +12 mm Anti-Shatter+6 mm Clear Glass) and horizontal shading as high as 0.4 m, as well as openings with a configuration of 8 mm (No2) + 12 mm anti-shatter + 6 mm Clear glass, showing that the Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) reached its peak with a 29% decrease from the standard value. It states the combination of these elements provides optimal thermal performance, minimizing overall heat transfer.</em></p> Aulia Muflih Nasution, Saufa Yardha Moerni, Yunita Syafitri Rambe ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:54:25 SE Asia Standard Time Klasifikasi Lingkungan Cagar Budaya di Kawasan Jembatan Merah Kota Surabaya Berdasarkan Signifikansi Makna Kultural <p>Jembatan Merah area is a historical splash area for the city of Surabaya, because many historical buildings are found. Apart from being the area of the old city of Surabaya, the Jembatan Merah area is also designated as an area for the development of trade and services. The design of the settlement in the Jembatan Merah area is one of the characteristics of the Dutch Indies city that implemented a policy of ethnic segregation, namely ethnic Chinese or foreign easterners, Arabs, and Europeans. The study of the Jembatan Merah area is needed to maintain its authenticity and protect the historical values contained in the area. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of the cultural heritage environment and to determine the potential for its preservation. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis and analysis of cultural significance. The results of the study show that the Jembatan Merah area is in the cultural heritage environmental group II and III with high-average conservation potential with small to average-large changes.</p> Deby Suciningtyas, Antariksa Sudikno, Wara Indira Rukmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:55:48 SE Asia Standard Time Interaksi Manusia dan Lingkungan dalam Kajian Filosofis <p><em>The study of human and environmental interactions focuses on the symbiotic relationship between humans and the environment. This discussion cannot be separated from socio-cultural aspects that involve cross-disciplinary discussions, such as psychology, anthropology, sociology, social psychology, geography, ethology, and so on seek to find answers to questions about how the environment has been shaped, perceived, used and enjoyed. This study aims to explore the nature of human interaction and the environment. A qualitative method with an explanatory descriptive approach was used to find the philosophical background of human and environmental interactions. Based on the exploration, it was found that human characteristics as individuals or groups play a role in shaping their environment, there are unique mechanisms for connecting humans and the environment, and there is an influence of the environment on humans or vice versa.</em></p> Anisza Ratnasari, Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:57:30 SE Asia Standard Time